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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Shades of Hope ❤️

Hope is a very powerful four letter word, one that can allow a person to persevere through his/her’s biggest struggles in life and strive for greatness. Without hope, one lacks a key component in achieving his/her goals, as hope is the root of all dreams that become a reality. Hope comes in many different forms, but above all it comes from within, and that is the meaning of the metaphor “shades of hope.” My ultimate goal in life is to succeed as a psychologist and be ultimately happy. The road to becoming a psychologist is a long one, and as with any dream, there are a few setbacks that make it an unpredictable journey, which is why my vision board does not have a distinct direction. Whenever you are chasing after a dream, there are always going to be hurdles for you to jump, but you cannot let them hinder you from catching that dream; you must continue to persevere and continue to work hard. Perseverance is another form of hope, because when you persevere, there is a little person in your head telling you to hold on longer and keep fighting, and that continuous fighting is only possible when you have hope. On my vision board, a lot of my quotes center around hope and its many different forms to help provide inspiration. My favorite quotes are “what oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life”, “let your faith be bigger than your fear”, and “make today so awesome, yesterday gets jealous”. They all revolve around the idea of never giving up, making sure you make everyday count, and always striving to achieve the unthinkable. Even the tiniest beacon of hope can make the difference in how hard you work to turn your dreams into a reality. Hope is the root of all success, and comes in a variety of forms including belief, faith, perseverance, hard work, passion, and even smiles. Hope allows you to do things you never thought possible, and that is why hope is the center of everything I want to achieve in life. Without hope, you will never be able to find the strength to overcome the problems you face, and continue on your journey to greatness. Anything is possible when you have hope.
Aissata Diallo ❤️ 

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