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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Is Guilt Passed Down?

Nathaniel Hawthorne is an author known for writing romance and allegorical stories. Much of Nathaniel Hawthorne's writing evolves around things from his family and past, pertaining to guilt, sin, and evil. Hawthorne struggled to cope his family's lack of respect for the traditional Puritan rules, which is why the basis for most of his work is human corruption and the evilness of people. Stories like The Scarlet letter and The Minister's Black Veil, reflect the guit he felt due to the burden he had to face from his family's past. Nathaniel felt so guilty and ashamed at one point that he changed his original last name, Hathorne, to Hawthorne. Hawthorne was able to finally relieve himself of the guilt from his ancestors through his writings.

Aissata Diallo ❤️ 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Is there a thing such as too much guilt?

Image result for puritansBy basing many of his pages out of his own family history, Hawthorne was able to relieve himself of the heavy burden of his family’s past. Hawthorne admitted that he had felt guilt for sharing blood with the witchcraft judge, his ancestor, John Hathorne. This inherited guilt made Hawthorne feel some type of guilt for committing a crime he didn’t do, but rather a crime his ancestor committed. His family’s background as Puritans served as a heavy influence on his writings. Puritans, with all their strictness, “simplicity” and taboo of the joys of life, emphasized on sin, pride and shame. Because of Hawthorne’s background, he often wrote pages of the moral corruption in human nature, such as in the novel The Scarlet Letter. Perhaps, Hawthorne felt that generations and generations of guilt ran through his veins as he was born into a somewhat discriminatory community. 
                                                              ❤❤❤Guadalupe Cervantes

Why do the puritans have to be such bullies??

Image result for scarlet letter
In "The Scarlet Letter", many people would read the first chapter and be confused as to why the prison and the cemetery are located near each other in a place that the people there call "Utopia". Well, the puritans are very strict people, their beliefs are practically imprinted on everyone that lives there, and anyone that decides to disobey their rules will be punished. In chapter 2, the reader in introduced to Hester Prynne, a lady that had a child that came from a man that was not her husband. Since, the puritans were so religious, they saw this as an act of major sin. She was to be punished and was to make an example of what not to do in their society, or else they will also get punished along with her. The puritans had a political system that was also based on religion. It seemed that everything they did was based on religion. You see, in their society, if a person commits adultery they will get sentenced to jail and probably even killed for it. For the people there, they would bash Hester with hate, yet she wore that letter "A" with pride because she knew that what she has done was wrong, but she don't care because the good that came out of it was her child wo will later bring in such hope just like the rosebush symbolized.

Image result for scarlet letter rosebush

                                                                                                                                  ~ Itzanami Sotelo

Sunday, November 27, 2016

There's No Escape!

Image result for minister's black veil
In "The Minister's Black Veil" by Nathaniel Hawthrone, the settings are in both a funeral and a wedding. The theme of the story is "don't judge a book by its cover". The setting ties in with the theme because at the funeral, while he was looking over at the dead body of the girl. Mr. Hooper was afraid of what her glance could've been like if she didn't have her eyes closed. Although she was dead, he couldn't help but feel judged by everyone else in the room, including the dead maiden herself. For example, on page 3 paragraph 4, Hawthrone states, "As he stooped, the veil hung straight down...that he so hastily caught back the black veil?" At the wedding, he was drinking a cup of wine, however, before he took the first sip, he caught a glimpse of his reflection. This made him instantly feel overwhelmed and felt like he was being judged by the others in the room including the groom and the bride, so he drop the cup of red wine and hid right back in the darkness. This can be found on page 4 on paragraph, stating "After performing the ceremony, Mr. Hooper raised a glass of wine to his lips ... and rushed forth into the darkness." This is how the setting ties into the theme in "The Minister's Black Veil".
~Itzanami S.

Was It Fear? Was It Guilt? Was It Emotion?

Guadalupe here, tackling topic #3

Image result for sinners in the hands of an angry god drawing
The preacher, Edwards, uses several rhetorical appeals to frighten sinners to repent. Because Edwards objective is to persuade sinners to repent, he uses emotional appeals such as ethos, logos and pathos. For example, on page 88 of the 11th grade literature book, Edwards uses fear, a form of pathos, by exclaiming, "...ten thousand times greater than the strength of the sturdiest in Hell, it would be nothing to withstand," which implied that sinners are powerless against God's wrath. Not only that, but Edward uses forms of hyperbole and simile to provoke guilt in the heart of sinners throughout his sermon.

Fear Thy God!

Imagery is the use of figurative language in a way that appeals to the readers' senses. Imagery allows the reader to create vivid mental pictures of the story as they read, which ultimately brings the story to life. In the sermon, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, the preacher, Jonathan Edwards utilizes imagery to persuade his audience to come back to the mercy of God. On page 88, the text states, "There are black clouds of God's wrath now hanging directly over your heads, full of the dreadful storm, and big with thunder; and were it not for the restraining hand of God, it would immediately burst forth upon you." Edwards creates this frightening image of God's wrath, appealing to the sense of sight, with hope that sinners would see the error in their ways and repent to Good to receive His mercy.

The sermon was very insightful. I would highly recommend you to read it, but before you do, watch this short video with information about the sermon.

Aissata Diallo ❤️

Protecting People - Strong or Weak ?

In the book, The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hester Prynne committed adultery, a sin highly dishonorable in the Puritan community of Boston. She is then forced to wear the letter A on her chest for the rest of her life, and live in exile from the rest of the people,
According to the text, Hester is protecting 2 men - the man she committed the sin with, and the man she was married to, Robert Chillingworth. I believe that this makes Hester Prynne a much stronger character. Hester was publicly shamed for her sin, has the burden of an "illegitimate child", and must learn to live with her own company. With all the problems that Hester has, she still decides to add another load onto her back by choosing to protect the 2 men, while simultaneously taking a load off of the other men's backs. Anyone, and a woman at that, who would choose to save someone else from being shamed like she was is truly a person of strength. Hester Prynne is that exactly.
I also, believe that the only person Hester should protect is her husband, because she committed adultery. Even though her husband was not there, she should have remained loyal to him, and not sinned. However, Robert seems to have a much darker side, even Hester noticed it, so she may only be protecting him to protect herself and her daughter. I can also understand why Hester would want to protect her fellow sinner as well. More than likely, Hester has feelings for him, so she would not want him to go through the torture she was going through.

Aissata Diallo ❤️ 

Does Religion Dictact Everything?

Guadalupe Cervantes here!

And Yes, I am referring to the Hester Prynne's conditions in the Puritan community from the novel The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Related imageSo far, in the first 5 chapters of this novel, it appears that the law is heavily influenced by Puritan beliefs. This is clearly shown when Hester is guilt-ed with the crime of adultery and receives a punishment for that moral wrongdoing. The governor, who governs with the influence of Puritan beliefs, along with the ministers and clergymen of the town, believe Hester should be punished with public shaming. Hester is placed on display in front of the whole town while showcasing her embroidered letter A, a symbol of her adultery. During this display, she showcases the product of her sin, her little baby girl. Tragically and unfortunately, all Hester can do is just take her punishment as a member of the Puritan community. Shaped by years and years of  the belief in punishment, the Puritans make sure Hester receives her fair share of shaming everyday from that point on.

  Interested in knowing more? Watch this introductory video on The Scarlet Letter

Sin = Futher Away from Grace?

Guadalupe here, tackling topic #2

Image result for sinners in the hands of an angry god drawingThe themes Edwards presents can't be simplified to just one word. For example, Edwards explores through the theme that sin brings people closer to Hell and further from God. This is very true, regardless of which century you are from. Sin leads to destruction in soul, meaning you are more stained by sin, again, which leads you further away from God. On page 88 of the 11th grade literature book, Edwards states, "Your wickedness makes you as it were heavy as lead, and to tend downwards with great weight and pressure towards Hell," which implies that sin brings you closer to Hell than it does to God.


Are There Really Any Symbols In This Sermon? 

Image result for sinners in the hands of an angry god

In the sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," Jonathan Edwards doesn't use any form of symbolism, but rather uses imagery and rhetorical appeals. Edwards means of not using a symbol is due to the notion that his purpose is to persuade his audience to repent for their sins, so Edwards attempts to fulfill his purpose by being as direct as possible.

Jonathan Edwards' Little Words of Wisdom...

Kanerious here with topic #1, HA!

Image result for sin makes you as heavy as leadMy favorite text was "Sinners in the hands of an angry God" and its author Jonathan Edwards. This story gives a theme of great pondering. It addresses the theme of "If you sin, you will be cast into hell." Edwards also uses figurative language to further his theme. For example, in the text it states that "Your sins make you as heavy as lead..." Also in the quote he says that your sins are weighing you down. He is my favorite author because he puts the whole theme in perspective. I thought about this during Thanksgiving. Some of my family NEEDS to read this story.

About Us: The Authors

Aissata Diallo

Hi, my name is Aissata Diallo. I am 16 years old, and my birthday is on April 19. One of my favorite things to do is arts and crafts. I also love reading a good fiction book. My favorite foods are pizza and any kind of coffee ice cream. Unicorns are my spirit animal, as I enjoy anything colorful, artsy, and captivating. Something that makes me unique is that I am creative and have a distinct handwriting. I am sweet, funny, helpful, and caring. As far as academically, I am a very committed and hardworking person who does not give up easily. That is why I pride myself in my academics. Education is very important to me, because when I grow up I aspire to work in pediatrics.

Guadalupe Cervantes

Hi, my name is Guadalupe Cervantes. I am a 16 year old junior attending Southwind High School. I am also an English 3 Honors student. As a student, I am hardworking and creative. To add, I am diligent and determined, and it takes a lot of distraction to stray me away from a task. Personally, I like being open-minded to ideas and concepts, because it's always best to have more than one perspective. Currently in my English 3 class, we've been studying and analyzing the literary elements present in short stories, poems, and some parts of novels. Because of this, I can analyze an type of literature effectively.


Itzanami Sotelo

Hi! My name is Itzanami Sotelo, I am 16 years old and attend Southwind High school. I am a junior that takes mostly honors classes and is serious about her education. My goal is to graduate from college and get into medical school to become a trauma surgeon. I am a hardworking leader, an over achiever, a committed person and an open minded person as well. I love drawing and listening to rock music as well as playing with my dogs. I may seem shy and quiet when you first see me, however, once you finally get to know me, I am anything but shy or quiet. I am very adventurous, yet like to get my work done first. Also, I am going to be the first person in my family to graduate high school, and attend college.

Karnerious Schumacher

Hello everyone, my name is Karnerious Schumacher. I am 17 years old and I'm a junior at Southwind High School.  I am an intelligent young man. I like to draw and read many books. Did I mention I am an honors student?