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Monday, November 28, 2016

Why do the puritans have to be such bullies??

Image result for scarlet letter
In "The Scarlet Letter", many people would read the first chapter and be confused as to why the prison and the cemetery are located near each other in a place that the people there call "Utopia". Well, the puritans are very strict people, their beliefs are practically imprinted on everyone that lives there, and anyone that decides to disobey their rules will be punished. In chapter 2, the reader in introduced to Hester Prynne, a lady that had a child that came from a man that was not her husband. Since, the puritans were so religious, they saw this as an act of major sin. She was to be punished and was to make an example of what not to do in their society, or else they will also get punished along with her. The puritans had a political system that was also based on religion. It seemed that everything they did was based on religion. You see, in their society, if a person commits adultery they will get sentenced to jail and probably even killed for it. For the people there, they would bash Hester with hate, yet she wore that letter "A" with pride because she knew that what she has done was wrong, but she don't care because the good that came out of it was her child wo will later bring in such hope just like the rosebush symbolized.

Image result for scarlet letter rosebush

                                                                                                                                  ~ Itzanami Sotelo

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