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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Does Religion Dictact Everything?

Guadalupe Cervantes here!

And Yes, I am referring to the Hester Prynne's conditions in the Puritan community from the novel The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Related imageSo far, in the first 5 chapters of this novel, it appears that the law is heavily influenced by Puritan beliefs. This is clearly shown when Hester is guilt-ed with the crime of adultery and receives a punishment for that moral wrongdoing. The governor, who governs with the influence of Puritan beliefs, along with the ministers and clergymen of the town, believe Hester should be punished with public shaming. Hester is placed on display in front of the whole town while showcasing her embroidered letter A, a symbol of her adultery. During this display, she showcases the product of her sin, her little baby girl. Tragically and unfortunately, all Hester can do is just take her punishment as a member of the Puritan community. Shaped by years and years of  the belief in punishment, the Puritans make sure Hester receives her fair share of shaming everyday from that point on.

  Interested in knowing more? Watch this introductory video on The Scarlet Letter

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