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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Is Guilt Passed Down?

Nathaniel Hawthorne is an author known for writing romance and allegorical stories. Much of Nathaniel Hawthorne's writing evolves around things from his family and past, pertaining to guilt, sin, and evil. Hawthorne struggled to cope his family's lack of respect for the traditional Puritan rules, which is why the basis for most of his work is human corruption and the evilness of people. Stories like The Scarlet letter and The Minister's Black Veil, reflect the guit he felt due to the burden he had to face from his family's past. Nathaniel felt so guilty and ashamed at one point that he changed his original last name, Hathorne, to Hawthorne. Hawthorne was able to finally relieve himself of the guilt from his ancestors through his writings.

Aissata Diallo ❤️ 

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